Playing in the Massasoit Babe Ruth League is a priviledge, not a "right".  Players, Coaches, and Spectators will AQUIT themselves according to the code of conducts listed below.

For Players

  • Respect the judgment of the game umpires, understand that they are doing their best to help promote youth baseball athletes, and admire their willingness to participate in full view of the public.
  • Treat all players, coaches, umpires, and spectators with dignity and respect, using appropriate language in appropriate tones when interacting with them.
  • Arrive on time for games.
  • Play the game to the best of their;ability, trying their hardest on the field, and concentrating on the play of the game.
  • Win and lose graciously, demonstrating good sportsmanship throughout games.
  • Be honest, play by the rules, and take full responsibility for their actions.
  • Will not use any form of intimidation or bullying against another player, coach or umpire.
  • Play for their team, not themeslves.
  • Support their teammates through positive interactions and support during both success and struggle.
  • Support and cheer for all players, enjoy the skill and competition, and do not intimidate or ridicule the other team or its fans.
  • Only only use cheers that are postive and support the teams involved.

For Coaches

Conduct and ethics

  • Be a positive role model for the athletes they coach and demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship to all their players. 
  • Act professionally and take responsibility for their actions.
  • Be aware they have a tremendous influence, for either good or ill, on the education of the player and, thus, shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideals of character.
  • Remember that they are a youth sports coach, and that the game is for children and not adults.
  • Exert their influence to enhance sportsmanship through assistant coaches, players, parents and those associated with their team with special emphasis on respecting the rights, dignity and worth of athletes, coaches, other volunteers, and spectators.
  • Respect and support umpires.  They will not indulge in conduct which would incite players or spectators against the officials.
  • Place the emotional and physical well being of their players ahead of a personal desire to win.
  • Ensure their language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation demonstrate high standards.
  • Treat everyone equally regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion, or ability.


  • Adhere to all pitch count rules in the interest of player health and longevity, regardless of situation.
  • Provide a physically and emotionally safe environment for competition.
  • Exhibit sound injury and risk management practices and encourage athletes to seek medical advice when required.
  • Provide a sports environment for my team that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, and refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
  • Ensure that all equipment is safe and ready for play.


  • Treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for the same age group.
  • Be fair, considerate, and honest with athletes and communicate with athletes using positive, supportive language.
  • Be knowledgeable in the rules of the Massasoit Babe Ruth Baseball League for the age group and division, and ensure players adhere to those rules.
  • After due process, should they be asked by the Massasoit Babe Ruth Baseball League to step down as a coach, will do so without incident.


  • Respect the judgment of the game umpires, understand that they are doing their best to help promote youth baseball athletes, and admire their willingness to participate in full view of the public.
  • Remember that you are at the contest to support and cheer for your team, and to enjoy the skill and competition; not to intimidate or ridicule the other team or its fans.
  • Be a positive role model at events through your own actions and by censuring those around you whose behavior is unbecoming.
  • Keep in mind that you are a guest of the town in which the game is being hosted and the Hockomock Summer Baseball League.  While winning is certainly an admirable goal, it is hollow if it comes at the expense of morals, ethics, and common sense.
  • Use of any controlled substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.) is strictly prohibited at any Massasoit Babe Ruth Baseball League events.
  • Remember youth sports is a learning experience for players and that mistakes will always happen.
  • Praise youth athletes in their attempt to improve themselves as athletes and as people, just as you would praise a student working in the classroom.
  • There is no such thing as a “right” to attend Massasoit Baseball League events.  Massasoit League Baseball events are considered a “privilege” and the spectator who avails themselves of it is expected to conduct themselves accordingly.
  • Learn the rules of the game, so that you may understand and appreciate why certain situations take place.
  • Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, and other spectators.
  • Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
  • Use only cheers that support and uplift the teams involved.
  • Your town is responsible for the behavior of their spectators.  The team as well as it's parent baseball program can and will be punished for actions of patrons which are found to be in violation of the Hockomock Summer Baseball League's codes of conduct and policies.
  • Parents and spectators should be aware that Massasoit League Board Members or umpires can (and should) remove spectators from the premises and can prohibit them from attending future contests due to undesirable behaviors.

Coach, Player, or Parent Issues

Reporting Process:

  • If any coach, player, or parent exhibits behavior deemed a serious violation of acceptable conduct by the Massasoit League, the umpire will report the incident to the Massasoit League Executive Board of Directors within 48 hours of the incident (2 calendar days).

Board Action:

  • The Executive Board reserves the authority to address behavioral issues by coaches, players, or parents in the league.
  • Actions may include disciplinary measures, up to and including a lifetime ban from the Massasoit League.

Communication Protocol:

  • All league actions and investigations will be communicated through the respective town representative of the offending coach, player, or parent before any punishment is issued.
  • This protocol also applies to any use of social media to attack coaches, parents, organizations, players, or board members.

Bench Limitations:

  • A maximum of four coaches are permitted on the bench during games.
  • Scorekeepers may remain outside the dugout fence or in the stands but are not allowed on the bench unless they are one of the four designated coaches.

Disciplinary Infractions and Actions

Ejections from Games:

  • Any coach, parent, or player ejected from a Massasoit League game will sit out the remainder of that game and the entire next game in which their associated player is playing.

Second Ejection in a Season:

  • If another member of the same team is ejected from a second game in the same season:
    • The ejected person(s) will serve a three-game suspension from their assigned team. The head coach will also serve a three-game suspension from their assigned team.
    • A $500 fine must be paid to the Hockomock Summer League before the next scheduled game of the related team. Failure to pay will result in game forfeitures.

Third Ejection in a Season:

  • If another member of the same team is ejected from a third game in the same season:
    • The entire town will be suspended for the remainder of the season and playoffs.
    • A $1000 fine must be paid to the Massasoit League within 72 hours of the infraction.  Failure to pay will result in the town's removal from the league for the following season.

Excessive Actions Resulting in Additional Suspensions:

  • Upon report of excessive actions during an ejection, the Massasoit Board of Directors may:
    • Add additional suspension time, including up to a lifetime ban from the league as a spectator, coach, or player.
    • Impose fines ranging from $250 to $1000, payable within 24 hours of the decision. Failure to pay will result in game forfeitures.


1. Initial Response

  • The grieving party must respond in electronic writing to the Executive Board within 24 hours of the grievance.

2. Board Review

  • Written responses from the accused party will also be submitted to the Executive Board.
  • All participants may be asked to appear before the board to discuss the problem.

3. Communication of Decisions

  • Disciplinary action decisions will be communicated to the town representative, who will carry out the decision.
  • Decisions will be communicated in writing to the grieving party, the accused party, and the town representative.

4. Failure to Implement Disciplinary Action

  • Failure by the town representative and organization to implement disciplinary action will result in the suspension of the entire town across all levels.

Disciplinary Review Board:

  • Led by the Vice President and composed of other board members.
  • Deals with Code of Conduct/disciplinary issues for the league.
  • Appeals must be submitted within 24 hours of the initial decision.
  • All parties involved, including the Town Rep, will meet within 48 hours after the infraction.
  • Decision communicated to the Town Rep within 24 hours of the hearing.
  • All decisions communicated in electronic writing to the relevant parties.